发表年度 论文题目 刊物全称 论文作者 刊物类别 操作
2023 Giant panda-focused conservation has limited value in maintaining biodiversity and carbon sequestration Science of The Total Environment Shen Guozhen, Lan Tianyuan, Deng Shuyu, Wang Yue, Xu Wenting, Xie Zongqiang SCI
2023 Effect of land use conversion on heavy metals and magnetic minerals on water reservoir riparian soils Chemosphere Yang Dan, Yang Xin, An Na, Xie Zongqiang SCI
2023 Anthropogenic activities explained the difference in exotic plants invasion between protected and non-protected areas at a northern subtropics biodiversity hotspot Journal of Environmental Management Le Haichuan, Zhao Changming, Xu Wenting, Deng Ying, Xie Zongqiang SCI
2023 Land cover diversity: Reshaping the socioeconomic value of land Journal of Environmental Management Chen Yahan, Wang Xin, Xie Zongqiang SCI
2023 Improving Phenology Representation of Deciduous Forests in the Community Land Model: Evaluation and Modification Using Long‐Term Observations in China Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems Lv Yan, Zhang Li, Li Pan, He Honglin, Ren Xiaoli, Xie Zongqiang, Wang Yang, Wang Anzhi, Shi FuSun, Chang Ruiying, Xiao Jingfeng, Wang Xufeng SCI
2023 Divergent seasonal responses of carbon fluxes to extreme droughts over China Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Deng Ying, Wang Xuhui, Lu Tongping, Du Haochun, Ciais Philippe, Lin Xin SCI
2023 Disentangling the role of environmental filtering and biotic resistance on alien invasions in a reservoir area Ecological Applications Le Haichuan, Zhao Changming, Xiong Gaoming, Shen Guozhen, Xu Wenting, Deng Ying, Xie Zongqiang SCI
2023 Depth-Dependent Controls Over Soil Organic Carbon Stock across Chinese Shrublands Ecosystems Ge Jielin, Xu Wenting, Xiong Gaoming, Zhao Changming, Li Jiaxiang, Liu Qing, Tang Zhiyao, Xie Zongqiang SCI
2023 Biotic and Abiotic Factors Controlling Spatial Variation of Mean Carbon Turnover Time in Forest Soil Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences Wang Jing, Zhu Chen, Wei Ning, Liu Ruiqiang, Zhang Bingwei, Chu Chengjin, Su Hongxin, Xu Yaozhan, Cheng Zhineng, Zhu Sanyuan, Wang Xugao, Yan Liming, Xia Jianyang SCI
2023 Elevational pattern and temperature sensitivity of spring leaf phenology of three co-occurring tree species in a subtropical mountain forest Trees Wu Hao, Li Jiehua, Zhou Jie, Jiang Mingxi, Wei Xinzeng SCI
2023 森林碳汇研究热点与趋势——基于知识图谱分析 生态学报 毛江涛,徐文婷,谢宗强 CSCD
2023 北京市行道树绒毛梣的水力结构对城市不透水表面比例的响应 植物生态学报 王嘉仪,王襄平,徐程扬,夏新莉,谢宗强,冯飞,樊大勇 CSCD
2023 基于“三生功能”的乡村植被分类与命名方案 中国生态农业学报(中英文) 熊高明,葛结林,毛江涛,徐文婷,徐凯,谢宗强 国内其他刊物
2023 基于DPSIR模型的乡村生态景观生物多样性预警 中国生态农业学报(中英文) 徐文婷,谢宗强,葛结林,徐凯,熊高明,毛江涛 国内其他刊物
2023 加拿大一枝黄花在江南休闲旅游乡村的入侵特征及其影响因素 中国生态农业学报(中英文) 葛结林,熊高明,毛江涛,徐文婷,秦晓琼,谢宗强 国内其他刊物
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