作者: 神农架站 更新时间: 2015-09-30

2015年,神农架站在国家自然科学基金面上项目(3137424)和科学院知识创新方向性项目(KZCX2-XB3-09-02)的支持下,与澳大利亚国立大学(Wah Soon Chow教授)继续开展光合生理生态方面的合作研究工作。双方合作提出了“P700动力学面积”这个崭新概念,以用于对光系统2活性的无损快速监测。双方合作建立了测定“P700动力学面积”的技术体系,并用该项技术深入研究了不同环境胁迫下光系统2失活的机制。为进一步加强合作研究,Chow教授受邀于20156月来站访问并深入讨论了下一步合作研究的具体内容。2015年到9月为止,相关合作研究成果已发表在Photosynthesis Research, Frontiers in Plant Science等植物学国际刊物上,其中SCI合作论文4篇。


1.  Jiancun Kou, Shunichi Takahashi, Da-Yong Fan, Murray R Badger and Wah Soon Chow ,2015, Partially dissecting the steady-state electron fluxes in Photosystem I in wild-type and pgr5 and ndh mutants of Arabidopsis, Frontiers in Plant Science (DOI 10.3389/fpls.2015.00758, IF=3.9)

2.  Da-Yong Fan, Zi-Piao Ye, Shi-Chang Wang, Wah Soon Chow, 2015, Multiple roles of oxygen in the photoinactivation and dynamic repair of Photosystem II in spinach leaves Photosynthesis Research (DOI 10.1007/s11120-015-0185-y, IF=3.6)

3.  Zhaojia Li, Da-Yong Fan^, Fanqing Chen, Qingye Yuan, Wah Soon Chow, Zongqiang Xie,2015, Physiological integration enhanced the tolerance of Cynodon dactylon to flooding, Plant Biology , 17:459-465(IF=2.7)

4.  Jie He, Wen-Quan Wang, Lin Qin, Da-Yong Fan, Wah Soon Chow, 2015, Photoinactivation of Photosystem II in wild-type and chlorophyll b-less barley leaves: which mechanism dominates depends on experimental circumstances, Photosynthesis Research (DOI: 10.1007/s 1120-015-0167-0, IF=3.6)

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